Royal Pahang Billfish International Challenge
RPBIC Rules & Regulations
Any and all Participants to the RPBIC shall understand and accept that their participation in the RPBIC events (the “Event”) is subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Participants for RPBIC Events and Competitions (the “Terms and Conditions”). “Participants” mean any and all persons participating in the RPBIC Events in any manner, including but not limited to contestant, team officials, national federations representatives, teams, coaches, agent, etc.), from any country, gender and age.
RPBIC Rules, Regulations and Procedures. The Participants shall be bound by and comply with all RPBIC rules and regulation, which is based on IGFA and TBF rules and regulation, available on the RPBIC website (, regulations and procedures, as well as their amendments, applicable in connection with the Event, including the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. The Participants therefore shall to comply to such rules, regulations, and procedures and to the jurisdiction of the bodies, which are in charge of applying them or in respect of any issue arising in connection with their participation in the Event.
Declaration of fitness. The Participants are fully aware and conscious that participation in competitions requires a perfect health condition and a high level of physical fitness. The Participants acknowledge that are personally and solely responsible to ensure that their health is not affected and that the Participants do have the required level of training and fitness to participate in the Event. By participating in the Event, the Participants confirm that they are in a perfect health condition and that the Participants have not received any information, including without limitation, advice by a physician or another person, that their health might be negatively affected or their level of fitness not be sufficient to participate in the Event.
Acknowledgement of risks. The Participants are fully aware and conscious of the potential risks involved in competition activities during the Event. The Participants engage in competitive activities, their physical integrity and, in extreme cases, even their life may be endangered. The Participants acknowledge that it is their sole personal responsibility to assess whether any part of competition, the conditions thereof at the relevant time are too challenging for them.
Release of liability. To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable laws, the Participants release RPBIC, the host, the Event Organizing Committee and their respective members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, partners, contractors and agents as well as any other entities and persons involved with or participating in the Event from any liability (excluding gross negligence and willful misconduct) for any loss, injury, death, damage and costs incurred or suffered in relation to their participation in the Event.
Personal Data. In respect of information about the Participants (“Personal Data”), the Participants shall agree:
to their Personal Data being collected by RPBIC and the Event Organizing Committee and to such data being stored and used by RPBIC and the Event Organizing Committee including being stored on the RPBIC’s servers, and, where necessary, third parties, for the purposes of, and to the extent necessary in relation to, facilitating their participation in, and/or organizing, the Event;
to the transfer of their Personal Data to RPBIC and by them to such third parties, and to the processing of such data and potentially any relevant sensitive personal data including about unspent criminal convictions), as are necessary for security and other background checks by RPBIC in order to gain the necessary accreditation for the Event;
that RPBIC and other third parties, including law enforcement and border services agencies, may collect, store, process, share or disclose amongst themselves and with third parties their Personal Data for the purposes of investigating and/or prosecuting breaches of any of the relevant provisions of the RPBIC Rules and local laws
to the collection, use and storage of Personal Data and statistics in RPBIC approved research projects (for example billfish conservation, participants biographies, questionnaires, filming, measures, medical encounters etc); and
to their Personal Data being used in any other way to which the Participants provide their express consent to RPBIC.
Use of image, name and likeness. Participants shall understand and accept that RPBIC and /or the Event Organizing Committee (or any third party acting on behalf or with the authorization of such aforementioned parties for the purposes contemplated herein) They shall;
film, photograph or otherwise record and use participants names, likeness, appearance, voice and actions during and in connection with the Event and to use the material thus created in perpetuity and on a worldwide territory by any and all means for the promotion of RPBIC and related activities including billfish conservation, any of the RPBIC events or other RPBIC activities;
without limitation to the foregoing, broadcast, transmit, publicize, disseminate or otherwise exploit the material thus created in whole or in part, on a live or non-live basis, in any and all media and/or technical support (whether existing at the present time or not) for any purpose linked with the audiovisual coverage of the Event for any and all territories in the world.
Request the Participants to be available during the Event for TV/radio interviews, press photo sessions and press conferences, in front of RPBIC official backdrop as applicable. The Participants further shall participate upon the RPBIC’s request, in a minimum of one hour per day during the Event in promotional activities linked with the Event. It is understood that their need to rest, train and prepare for competitions during the Event will be respected when requesting their participation.
Furthermore, the Participants shall understand and accept that any exploitation shall be without charge and without any requirement for further consent, approval or waiver.
The Participants hereby grant a non-exclusive royalty-free licence to the above mentioned parties in respect of any and all rights reasonably required in respect of the exploitation as described above. Participants declare being a major and that I have the full right to make this declaration of consent including for any minors of dependents, as their lawful custodian.Permission of Photo Use. The Participants agree that RPBIC or the Event Organizing Committee may use their photo, provided as a part of their official entry, for the use on an Event Accreditation Card, as well as for an athlete profile to be offered to any person concerned with, or displayed during the Event or any other RPBIC event or activity.
Validity. The terms and conditions set forth above supersede any prior terms and conditions. They shall remain effective for as long as the Participants participate in the Event unless otherwise specified in this Declaration Form. They shall also be binding on their heirs, successors, beneficiaries, next of kin or assigns who might pursue any legal action in connection with the same.
Acknowledgement by the Participants. The Participants understand present Terms and Conditions set forth above apply directly to them when participating in the Event, and consequently the Participants agree to be legally bound by them.
Minor Participants. Whether a Participant is a minor or not, this will depend on the national laws of the home country of the Participant (according to national laws). The parent/legal guardian of the Minor Participants do consent to his/her participation in the Event and his/her agreement to be bound by each of these Terms and Conditions identified above. The parent/legal guardian of the minor Participants hereby irrevocably authorize the Team Official to provide the necessary consent where and when required for the minor Participant’s participation in any program or matter in connection with the Event. The Participants consent to any medical treatment being administered to the parent/legal guardian of the minor Participants in the case of any injury or illness whilst the participant is in the Event
Applicable law. The validity and enforcement of the terms and conditions set forth herein, as well as any issue arising out of or in connection thereto shall be governed and construed according to Malaysian Law.
RPBIC Fishing Rules & Regulations
1. General Rules & Regulation: All participants, boatmen and marshals must be fully aware of and shall comply with the rules set for RPBIC.
Participation in the RPBIC represents full acknowledgement and acceptance of the rules.
The RPBIC is held in accordance with the IGFA International Angling Rules and tailored to local requirements.
2. Competition Schedule: RPBIC 2023 will take place on September 08 – 10th, 2023. The Organiser reserves the right to postpone, stop or cancel the competition for any reason whatsoever including but not limited to poor weather conditions, instruction from authorities, safety threat etc.
All decisions made by the Organizing and or the panel of judges, as the case may be, in relation to the RPBIC shall be final.
3. Competition Registration & Briefing:
Online registration shall be opened at least 3 months, prior to competition date.
Walk-in participants can still register online on the registration day, Sept 8th.
Registration information i.e. contact information, website link and QR code will be displayed at the registration area from 09:00hr. onward to facilitate registration. RPBIC Secretariat shall be at the registration area from 2pm.
Our personnel will assist with manual registration, counter will be open starting at 5:00 PM on first day of the event (Sept 8th.)
Fishing team can register in groups of four (4) members or minimum three (3)
All participants must attend briefing for the competition to be held at Rompin Beach Resort. Absentees will be deemed to have automatically accepted and duly complied with all instructions stated at the briefing. The competition briefing schedule are as stated below:
i. 16:00 - 17:00hr - Marshal Final Briefing
ii. 17:00 - 18:00hr - Captain Final Briefing
iii. 20:00 - 21:30hr - Event Briefing for participants
4. Fishing Time: a two-day fishing competition on Sept 9 & 10th, 2023
a. 1st Day: Event Launching and Flag-Off by our special guest will be done on Saturday morning at 7:30am at Rompin Cargo Jetty. Boats shall depart at 8:15 am and return to the same jetty at 5 pm (Saturday). Breakfast will be provided for participants at the jetty.
b. 2nd Day: On Sunday, Flag-Off is scheduled at 8 am and must return by 4 pm. Catches of participants who come in late on both days, will NOT be considered. However, late arrivals due to technical reasons will be given due consideration.
5. Weather Condition: The Organizing Committee may move or cancel any tournament fishing day if, in their judgment, unsafe conditions may exist at sea. If rough weather conditions exist and the tournament committee takes the decision to allow the participating boats to fish, the final decision to fish will be based solely on the judgment of the crew of each participating boat, keeping in mind the level of seaworthiness of their fishing vessel. All attempts will be made to fish as many days as possible, but as little as one day of fishing or any part thereof constitutes a complete tournament. If a scheduled day of fishing must be cancelled, Monday 11th September, 2023 automatically becomes a fishing day.
Bad weather conditions and exceptional situations: The Organizing Committee can change, modify and/or cancel fishing dates in case of bad weather conditions resulting from cyclones, cyclone alert, strong winds, tidal wave, rough seas, flooding and any other natural disaster or exceptional situations beyond its control, occurring during or prior the period of the tournament.
Authority: Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (APMM)
6. Fishing Team: The RPBIC is open only to those who have registered with the Organizing Committee or such committee as may be formed by the Organizing Committee.
All fishing team must have at least 3 members and maximum of 4 members
Participants must be at least 16 years old or older.
7. Fishing Boat: Participants are responsible to make their own arrangement for fishing boats and crew prior to the competition. Organizer shall assist participants who need help to get fishing boat for their team whenever possible. All fishing boat to be used for the RPBIC must be registered and licensed by Malaysia Marine Department (Jabatan Laut Malaysia) and provide their information to the Organizer or their representative latest by 17:00hr of the first day of competition (8th September)
The minimum length of a participating fishing boat is 36 Feet with twin engines.
Boats to be used for competition are subjected to inspection and approval by designated marine enforcement agency, Organizing Committee or their appointed agent, for safety and compliance to requirements set by Malaysia Marine Department.
Boats inspections will be carried out on first day of competition September 8th.
Only approved boats are allowed to compete in RPBIC
8. Fishing Equipment: Each participant or team must bring their own fishing equipment (maximum two fishing rods per members).
Organizing committee and their designated personnel shall inspect fishing equipment to be used by Fishing Team to ensure compliance to IGFA requirements for fishing equipment.
Each participant shall be dressed in proper attire in accordance with locally accepted practices and customs prevalent for fishing competitions adopting the international standards set by The Billfish Foundation and IGFA. This is to reflect the competition as a prestigious competition and of international standard.
9. Fishing Area: Fishing will be in the area stated (refer map appendix waters) as directed by the Fisheries Department within 50km radius from Kuala Rompin. Please refer Figure 1.0
10. Fishing Jetty: Boats will depart from and return to Rompin Cargo Jetty or any other jetty designated by the Organizer.
11. Team’s Marshal: All Fishing Team will be fishing in the same boat over the two days period of the competition. Competition marshal shall be randomly assigned to each boat before Flag-Off by the Organizer. The main responsibility of marshal is to record registered team members' catches for score calculation. They shall also be looking after boat & personnel safety, and marine conservation.
a. The information for each billfish caught will be recorded by the marshal after the fish is properly tagged. i.e. date, time, type of fish, tag number including note for fish that escaped
b. The marshal is also responsible to ensure the fish is released within 2 minutes.
c. The marshal and team must report to the secretariat upon returning to the jetty and submit their log book to the secretariat. The marshal will need to update the tag data automatically into the official fish tagging apps - 'Fish n Tag' cloud database.
12. Fishing Method: The only fishing methods allowed are: by deferral (trolling), drift (drifting), balloon float (floating) and throwing (casting). Participants who fish by methods other than those specified, will be disqualified. All participants are advised to behave positively, compromise and be considerate towards each other in order to avoid any animosity. Participants are permitted to
a. Use mono line or braided line not exceeding 130 pound.
b. The use of leader line however is discretionary.
c. Install circle hook for using lure or live bait.
d. Use lures but with one hook (single hook).
e. Use compulsory skirt but with one hook (single hook).
f. The use of any other hook for skirts, is prohibited.
13. Landing Billfish: From the time that a fish strikes or takes a bait or lure, the angler must hook, fight, and land or boat the fish without the aid of any other person, except as provided in these regulations.
a. If a rod holder is used, once the fish is hooked, the angler must remove the rod from the rod holder as quickly as possible.
b. In the event of a multiple strike on separate lines being fished by a single angler, only the first fish fought by the angler will be considered for a world record.
c. If a double line is used, the intent of the regulations is that the fish will be fought on the single line most of the time that it takes to land the fish.
d. A harness may be attached to the reel or rod, but not to the fighting chair. The harness may be replaced or adjusted by a person other than the angler.
e. Use of a rod belt or waist gimbal is permitted.
f. When angling from a boat, once the leader is brought within the grasp of the mate, or the end of the leader is wound to the rod tip, more than one person is permitted to hold the leader. Anyone assisting a shore-bound or wading angler must be within a rods length of the angler before touching the leader.
14. Catch, Tag & Release (CTR): The competition is only for catches of sailfish and marlin based on the concept of catch, tag and release. Other species of fish caught can be brought back except any species of sharks, which must be released. Participants who bring back their catches of billfish to the jetty will be disqualified. Participants must tag each fish caught in order to qualify for score calculation.
a. The tagging process will be using ‘Fish n Tag’ (FnT) mobile application which will update tagging data into FnT cloud database.
b. The tagging will be done by participants with help from boat crew.
c. The marshal assigned to the participating fishing boat shall be responsible to record CTR information into FnT app which will be used for team score calculation.
d. There 4 simple steps required to complete the tagging – 1) Identify and Update Tag ID into FnT app, 2) Prepare Tag & needle, 3) Tag your catch, 4) Take photo and submit
15. Competition Scoring & Result: The winner will be determined based on individuals and teams with the highest cumulative points. Catches of other species of fishes will be recorded but shall not contribute to team's score. Each sailfish will be rewarded 600 points and 1,000 points for marlin.
a. Fish will be considered as caught and released when:
i. Team member or boatman/skipper manages to hold the fish’s beak; and,
ii. The team tag the fish according to the tagging procedure
iii. Picture of the tagged fish being held at its beak and participant’s tag must be recorded.
b. Each team can submit any amount of catches for the Team Category but the same fish owned by the individual is not eligible to be nominated for the Team Category.
c. 600 points will be deducted from the team total and/or individual for actions that may cause other teams or individuals to lose their catch. (example: boat violates or cuts fishing line or disrupts other participants.)
d. For the avoidance of doubt, the requirements above must be fulfilled conjunctively.
16. Protest Official Result: All protests must be accompanied by supporting evidence and can be submitted to the Regulation Panel as may be formed by the Organizer. Each protest must be submitted on the day of the incident protested against whereupon a deposit of RM500 for each protest is required before the official counter is closed for the day. The protest fee is not refundable if the allegation is determined to have been false or unfounded. A panel of three judges will determine all decisions whereupon the panel decision shall be final. In the event of a tie in points awarded in either the team or individual, the winner will be decided by the earliest time recorded of the catch.
17. Prizes Giving & Competition Dinner: The prize presentation ceremony and Victory Dinner will be held at 8 pm, 10th August 2023 (Sunday). The prizes for winners shall comprise of cash, fishing equipment, accessories and other products as stated but not limited to items below. The organising committee is committed to honour the prizes as stated but it has every right to add, reduce, change, replace or amend the prizes without prior notices as deemed necessary.
a. Cash Prizes:
i. The Champion: RM20,000
ii. 2nd PlaceRM14,000
iii. 3rd PlaceRM10,000
iv. 4th PlaceRM 6,000
v. 5th PlaceRM 5,000
vi. 6th PlaceRM 3,000
vii. 7th PlaceRM 2,000
viii. Other prizes for the winners shall include
viii. trophy, fishing equipment, certificates
b. Event organizer may include additional for winners i.e. boats, captain, marshal etc
18. Indemnity: The participating individual hereby agrees to indemnify and irrevocably and forever release and waive all rights and recourse that may be available against the Organiser and its holding company, subsidiaries, licensees, successors, related and affiliated companies and its officers, directors, employees, contractors, licensees, agents, representatives and assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, payments, proceedings, judgments, settlements, awards, expenses (including without limitation, legal fees and costs) damages, losses, costs, injury (however caused), death, illness, delay or other liabilities, which the participating individual or their heirs, executors, administrators or personal representatives may now have or hereafter can, shall or may have against any of the above-named entities arising in connection with and for any reason whatsoever that may be related to the RPBIC.
The participating individual voluntarily accepts the legal risk, thereby expressly giving up any right of action and accepts the risk arising from all liability whether such liability arises in contract, by reason of negligence, or by reason of breach of duty raised By statute, or in any other manner whatsoever.
From IGFA Fishing Equipment Guidelines:
Monofilament, multifilament, and lead core multifilament lines may be used. For line classes, see World Record Requirements.
Wire lines are prohibited.
The use of backing is permissible.
The catch shall be classified under the breaking strength of the first 16.5 feet (5 meters) of line directly preceding the double line, leader, or hook. This section must be comprised of a single, homogenous piece of line.
The use of a double line is not required. If one is used, it must meet the following specifications:
A double line must consist of the actual line used to catch the fish.
Double lines are measured from the start of the knot, braid, roll or splice making the double to the farthermost end of the knot, splice, snap, swivel or other device used for securing the trace, leader, lure or hook to the double line.
Saltwater species: In all line classes, up to and including 20 lb (10 kg), the double line shall be limited to 15 feet (4.57 meters). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 20 feet (6.1 meters).
The double line on all classes of tackle over 20 lb (10 kg) shall be limited to 30 feet (9.14 meters). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 40 feet (12.19 meters).
Reels must comply with sporting ethics and customs.
Power driven reels of any kind are prohibited. This includes motor, hydraulic, or electrically driven reels, and any device that gives the angler an unfair advantage.
Ratchet handle reels are prohibited.
Reels designed to be cranked with both hands at the same time are prohibited.
The use of a leader is not required. If one is used, it must meet the following specifications:
The length of the leader is the overall length including any lure, hook arrangement or other device, and is measured to the bend of the last hook. The leader must be connected to the line with a snap, knot, splice, swivel or other device. Holding devices are prohibited. There are no regulations regarding the material or strength of the leader.
Saltwater species: In all line classes up to and including 20 lb (10 kg), the leader shall be limited to 15 feet (4.57 meters). The combined length of the double line and leader shall not exceed 20 feet (6.1 meters).
The leader on all classes of tackle over 20 lb (10 kg) shall be limited to 30 feet (9.14 meters). The combined length of the double line and leader shall be limited to 40 feet (12.19 meters).
Rods must comply with sporting ethics and customs. Considerable latitude is allowed in the choice of a rod, but rods giving the angler an unfair advantage will be disqualified. This rule is intended to eliminate the use of unconventional rods.
The rod tip must be a minimum of 40 inches (101.6 cm) in length. The rod butt cannot exceed 27 inches (68.58 cm) in length. These measurements must be made from a point directly beneath the center of the reel. A curved butt is measured in a straight line. When the rod butt is placed in a gimbal, the measurement from the center of the reel seat to the pivot point of the gimbal can be no more than 27 inches. (The above measurements do not apply to surfcasting rods.)
When using an artificial lure with a skirt or trailing material, no more than two single hooks may be attached to the line, leader, or trace. The hooks need not be attached separately. The eyes of the hooks must be no less than an overall hook's length (the overall length of the largest hook used) apart and no more than 12 inches (30.48 cm) apart. The only exception is that the point of one hook may be passed through the eye of the other hook. The trailing hook may not extend more than a hook's length beyond the skirt of the lure. A hook may not precede bait, lure or bait/lure combo by more than one hook’s length. A photograph or sketch showing the hook arrangement must accompany a record application.
Gang hooks are permitted when attached to plugs and other artificial lures that are specifically designed for this use. Gang hooks must be free swinging and shall be limited to a maximum of three hooks (single, double, or treble, or a combination of any three). Baits may not be used with gang hooks. A photograph or sketch of the plug or lure must be submitted with record applications.
Assist hooks or other such single hooks that are attached to a lure with a lead constructed of monofilament, multifilament, wire or other such mate- rial must conform to the following: When using assist hooks on any artificial lure, other than a skirted lure, the lead cannot be more than 1 ½ hook’s length and the bend of the hook may not be more than 4 inches (101 mm), whichev- er is less, from the closest point of attachment on the lure. Double and tre- ble hooks may not be used as assist hooks.
Only one lure containing hooks may be used at a time.
For live or dead bait fishing no more than two single hooks may be used. Both must be firmly imbedded in or securely attached to the bait. The eyes of the hooks must be no less than a hook's length (the length of the largest hook used) apart and no more than 18 inches (45.72 cm) apart. The only exception is that the point of one hook may be passed through the eye of the other hook. A hook may not precede bait, lure or bait/lure combo by more than one hook’s length.
The use of a dangling or swinging hook is prohibited. Double or treble hooks are prohibited.
A two-hook rig for bottom fishing is acceptable if it consists of two single hooks on separate leaders or drops. Both hooks must be imbedded in the respective baits and separated sufficiently so that a fish caught on one hook cannot be foul hooked by the other.
A photograph or sketch of the hook arrangement must accompany all record applications made for fish caught on two-hook tackle.
Figure 1.0
Designated Fishing Area
Figure 2.0
Non-offset Circle Hook